Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Contemplation and Love by Love


Love by Love

This Gift of Yourself

Dec 29, 2016


All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

We Share One Life, We Are One Life


The Master was about to die. He called his disciples to gather around him. He asked if they wanted to say anything to him, before he would leave them. They spoke of love for the Master. After he had heard them, he said, "Now you must let go of the last thing that you cling to." Each wondered what this attachment was. One asked, "Master, what is this last thing we cling to?" The Master said, "Love."

*Brian Kenneth Wilcox, "Not Even 'Love'"

We often hear "love." Yet, "love" and the Reality is not the same. On our way to realized, conscious Union with Grace, we discern that our idea of Love is not Love. Indeed, we can have no idea of Love, for Love is idea-less.

Symbols, signs, rites, words, ... help us to experience something of the idea of "love." Yet, in the mind we only have a thought of love as contrary to perceived opposites, also ideas. In Grace, all is One, so, in Love there is no insight, or knowing, by opposites.

If we grow more deeply into the Silence, which is unitive, we find the idea of un-love to dissolve, in consort with the dissolution of the thought of love. There remains no concept, not even of an Absolute one could call Love. To wait, then, in the Silence is to wait only for the Nameless, for in this Grace is all potential that becomes, even the sense of Love apart from love.

For this Love births Love, through the abandonment of all love, Love by Love. This deprivation is essential for Love to be known as Love by Love, not merely love or Love. This could be termed, in more traditional means, as God giving birth to God, or God giving birth to the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit. And, indeed, God does, now, for Love is timeless, and to be touched by Love is to be touched by timelessness. Time is enclosed in Love, birthed in Love, and imbued by Love. Only being-in-Love do we know the joy of the Eternal, and this being-in-Love is, also,our becoming-with-Love. Then is known the words of St. Catherine of Siena, O abyss! O eternal Godhead! O deep sea! What more could you have given me than the gift of your very self?

♥ ♥ ♥

Grace and Peace to All

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*Lotus of the Heart is a work of Brian K. Wilcox.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Contemplation and Love by Love

©Brian Wilcox 2024